EnglishChapter 2 - Installation 25another fax machine and no one is there to answer, your fax machine willautomatically send a cover letter with a call back message. The call backmessage is printed on a separate sheet with the message “Please call back”and a telephone number where you can be reached. The call back numberentered here is the number that appears on the call back message.Setting fax machine identification1. Press the Select Function key.2. Press the 9/User Program One Touch key. The display shows1:FUNC. PROGRAMMING.3. On the numeric keypad, press 4. The display shows 4:SYSTEMDATA PRG.4. Press the W YES key. The display shows NO=,ID=.5. After the display clears, enter the full telephone number of your faxmachine using the numeric keypad up to twenty characters.Note: Use the Hyphen or 8/+ One Touch key to enter a “+” characterbefore the number, which is a generally recognised method ofindicating the international access code before the countrydialling code. The 9/Space One Touch key is used to enter spacesin a number.6. Press the START key to save your entry.7. Enter your Sender ID. This is a descriptive title up to 32 characterslong. Refer to the instructions below.To do this UseEnter numbers Numeric keypad. Press once for each number required.Enter spaces Space One Touch keyEnter hyphens Hyphen keyEnter alphabeticcharactersLocate the character you want on the numeric keypad. Press that keyrepeatedly until the character appears.Enter a uniquecharacterPress the 0/Unique key repeatedly until the character you want appears.The following characters are available: ! # & ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; = ? · ä ß ñ öü Æ Å Ø æ å øMove the cursor tomake corrections Press W YES or X NO keys.