- 178 -Using a Web Browser to Configure the Network SetupUsing SNMPv3This printer implements an SNMPv3 compatibleagent.You can use an SNMPv3 compatible SNMPmanager to encrypt printer administration withSNMP for greater security.1 Log in as an administrator.Referencez See "Logging in as an Administrator" (P.154).2 On the [Admin Setup] tab, click[Network Setup].3 Click [SNMP] > [Settings].4 Select the check box of the SNMPversion to be used in [STEP1], and thenclick [To STEP2].Memoz If [SNMPv3] is selected, you will not be able to viewor configure settings with SNMPv1. If [SNMPv3+v1]is selected, you will be able to view settings witheither SNMPv1 or SNMPv3, but you can configuresettings using SNMPv3 only.5 In [STEP2], enter an SNMPv3 username for [User Name].6 Enter the passphrase for verificationin [Passphrase] for [AuthenticationSettings].