22 (E)ENGLISH<2 12 16 5∫ ; 343434H HChanging over the screen display1 During playback, one screen is displayed on theTV monitor.3 Press the RESET button to change over to the 4-in-1 screen display.Each time the RESET button is now pressed, thedisplay is switched between the 1-screen and 4-in-1 screen.Changing between the 1-screen and 4-in-1screen displayChanging over the screen duringplayback11 Press the SEARCH button to move to the screenwith the white border.2431C01 C02C03 C042 Press the CAMERA button to set the camera.3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the other screens to setthe camera for each.1 2431C01 C02C03 C04CAMERA17285 6121194310The pictures recorded by a specific camera can bemonitored by pressing the CAMERA button duringplayback.When monitoring the pictures recorded by specificcameras on the four screens in the 4-in-1 screendisplay modeSwitching between the camerasIn the 1-screen display modeIn the 4-in-1 screen display mode22631C01 C02C03 C06Four camera numbers are enclosed in squares on thecamera number display of the display tube, and thesquare corresponding to the number of the selectedcamera flashes. In addition, the numbers of thecameras (C01/C02/C03/C04) appear in the centre ofthe TV monitor.CAMERA 17285 6121194310CAMERA17285 6121194310CAMERA17285 61211943102 Press the COUNTER button to establish thecamera number display mode.SEARCH buttonRESET buttonCAMERA buttonCOUNTER buttonIt is not possible to switch to the 4-in-1 screen displaywhen a tape which was frame-recorded usingcameras No.13 to 16 is to be played back.