41 (E)Menu page P2[DISPLAY]P2CHARACTERWHITEPOSITIONR-BOTTOMTIME SELECT24HOURSDATEONTIMEONT-MODEONREC/ALARMON[REC LOSS INDICATOR]VIDEO OUTCAMERA[SUMMER TIME]MODEOFFSTARTLST-SUN32:00ENDLST-SUN102:00Setting menusDISPLAY screenMenu itemDescription of functionCHARACTERFor setting the type of characters which are displayed on the monitorscreen.WHITE : White characters with black borders are displayed.BLACK : Black characters with white borders are displayed.POSITIONFor setting the position where the characters are displayed on themonitor screen.L-UPPER: The characters are displayed at the top left of thescreen.R-UPPER: The characters are displayed at the top right of thescreen.L-BOTTOM : The characters are displayed at the bottom left of thescreen.R-BOTTOM : The characters are displayed at the bottom right of thescreen.CENTRE: The characters are displayed in the centre of thescreen.TIME SELECTFor setting the 12-hour or 24-hour system for the time.24HOURS : The 24-hour system is used to display the time.AM/PM: The 12-hour AM/PM system is used to display the time.DATEFor setting whether to display the date on the monitor screen.ON: The date is displayed on the monitor screen.OFF : The date is not displayed on the monitor screen.TIMEFor setting whether to display the time on the monitor screen.ON: The time is displayed on the monitor screen.OFF : The time is not displayed on the monitor screen.T-MODEFor setting whether to display the recording time mode and cameranumber on the monitor screen.ON: The recording time mode and camera number are displayedon the monitor screen.OFF : The recording time mode and camera number are notdisplayed on the monitor screen.REC/ALARMFor setting whether to display the alarm number and operation modeon the monitor screen.ON: The alarm number and operation mode are displayed on themonitor screen.OFF : The alarm number and operation mode are not displayed onthe monitor screen.The underlining indicates the factory mode setting.REC LOSS INDICATOR screenMenu itemDescription of functionVIDEO OUTFor setting the video signals to be output to the monitor screen in allmodes except the recording mode.CAMERA : Video signals from the camera are output to the monitorscreen.BLUE: The blue background signals are output to the monitorscreen.The underlining indicates the factory mode setting.