22RQT6981Playing backUsing menus to play MP3 discs[MP3]This unit can play MP3 files recorded on CD-R/RW with a computer.Files are treated as tracks and folders are treated as groups.1 Press [TOP MENU].2 Press [3, 4] to select the track andpress [ENTER].Play continues to the last track in the last group.≥“0” indicates the track currently playing.≥You can also select tracks with numbered buttons.e.g., “5”: [0] ➜ [0] ➜ [5]“15”: [0] ➜ [1] ➜ [5]To show other pagesPress [3, 4, 2, 1] to select “Prev.” or “Next” and press [ENTER].After listing all the tracks in one group, the list for the next groupappears.To exit the file listPress [TOP MENU].1 While stoppedPress [1] while a track is highlightedto display the tree screen.2 Press [3, 4, 2, 1] to select a groupand press [ENTER].The file list for the group appears.To return to the file listPress [RETURN].DVD TVINPUT SELECTVCR Plus+ OPEN/CLOSE TV/VIDEOCHVOLUMESKIPDIRECT NAVIGATOR PLAY LISTTOP MENUENTERMENUFUNCTIONS RETURNSTOP PAUSE PLAY/x1.3SLOW/SEARCHCANCEL1 2 3DVD TV4 5 67 8 90 100FRAME CM SKIP TIME SLIPERASE RECPROG/CHECK ADD/DLTF Rec REC MODESTATUS MARKERAUDIO SETUPDISPLAY POSITIONMEMORYPOWER3, 4, 2, 1ENTERTOP MENURETURNNumberedbuttons001 Both Ends Freezing002 Lady Starfish003 Life on Jupiter004 Metal Glue005 Paint It Yellow006 Pyjamamama007 Shrimps from Mars008 Starperson009 Velvet Cuppermine010 Ziggy StarfishNextPrev.11 : My favorite2345678910TOTAL TRACK TREEG 1T 1TOTAL1/111MENU0 ~ 9No.RETURNENTERSELECTGROUPNoSelected group number and nameG: Group no.T: Track no. in the groupTOTAL: Selected track no./Total track no. in allgroupsUsing the tree screen to find a group[Note]≥Discs must conform to ISO9660 level 1 or 2 (except forextended formats).≥This unit is compatible with multi-session but if there are a lotof sessions it takes more time for play to start. Keep the num-ber of sessions to a minimum to avoid this.≥If you play a MP3 track that includes still picture data, it willtake some time before the music itself starts playing and theelapsed time will not be displayed during this time. Even afterthe track starts, the correct play time will not be displayed.≥This unit is not compatible with ID3 tags or packet writing.≥Depending on recording some items may not be playable.≥Compatible sampling rate: 16, 22.05, 24, 32, 44.1 and48 kHz.Compatible compression rate: between 32 kbps and 320 kbpsMaximum number of tracks and groups recognizable:999 tracks and 99 groupsNaming folders and files≥MP3 files must have the extension“.MP3” or “.mp3”.≥At the time of recording, give folderand file names a 3-digit numericprefix in the order you want them toplay (this may not work at times).MPEG Layer-3 audio decoding technology licensed fromFraunhofer IIS and Thomson multimedia.TREEG 7/25001 My favorite001 Brazilian pops002 Chinese pops003 Czech pops004 Hungarian pops005 Liner notes006 Japanese pops007 Mexican pops008 Philippine pops009 Swedish pops001 Momoko002 Standard number001 Piano solo002 VocalMENU0 ~ 9No.RETURNENTERSELECTG 8T 14TOTAL40/111MP3 musicYou cannot selectgroups thatcontain nocompatible files.Selected group no. /Total group no.≥If the group has no track, “– –” is displayedas group number.002 group001 001 (folder=group)001track.mp3002track.mp3003track.mp3003 group001track.mp3 (file=track)002track.mp3003track.mp3001track.mp3002track.mp3003track.mp3004track.mp3e.g.,