47RQT6981Advanced operationPreparationIf you connect the unit through a cable TV box or DSS receiver(➜page 50), tune to your local PBS station before starting autoclock setting. Use manual clock setting if auto clock setting does notwork or if there is no local PBS channel in your area.1 Press [SETUP] to show the menus.2 Press [3, 4] to select “Set Up” andpress [1].3 Press [3, 4] to select “Auto ClockSetting” and press [ENTER].If you have not yet set channels, the “Auto Channel/ClockSetting” screen appears.4 Press [ENTER].Auto setting starts. This can take some time, up to a fewhours in some cases. (To stop auto clock setting, press[RETURN].) The following screen appears when setting iscomplete. Press [ENTER].[Note]≥If the time was not set correctly, use manual clock setting or timezone adjust.≥DST, Daylight Saving Time, shows the summertime setting.≥TIME ZONE shows the time difference from Greenwich meantime(GMT).EST=GMT s5, CST=GMT s6, MST=GMTs7, PST=GMTs8,AST=GMT s9, HST=GMTs10, For other areas: xx hr3 Press [3, 4] to select “Manual ClockSetting” and press [ENTER].4 Press [2, 1] to select the item youwant to change and press [3, 4] tochange the setting.MONTH(--)DAY(----)YEAR(--)HOUR (12-hour display)^>TIME ZONE()DST()MINUTE(JDST (Daylight Saving Time): ON or OFFIf you select “ON”, the clock is advanced one hour startingat 2 a.m. on the first Sunday in April and ending at 2 a.m. onthe last Sunday in October.TIME ZONE:EST()CST()MST()PST()AST()HST(s5) (s6) (s7) (s8) (s9) (s10)^---------------------------------------------------------------------------------J5 Press [ENTER].The clock starts.[Note]When you change the time zone, the recording times for programsrecorded before the time zone was changed also change to corre-spond to the new time zone.Adjust the time zone (s1 or r1) if it was not set correctly with autoclock setting.You cannot change this setting if you set the clock manually.3 Press [3, 4] to select “Time ZoneAdjust” and press [ENTER].4 Press [3, 4] to select “s1”, “0”, or“r1” and press [ENTER].The “Set Up” screen (➜ step 2) reappears.Clock settingsAuto Clock SettingSELECT TABOff TimerRemote Control CodeClock SettingsAuto Clock SettingManual Clock SettingRe-initialize Setting6 hrSet Code 1SETUPRETURNSet UpDiscVideoAudioDisplayTV ScreenChannelENTERTime Zone Adjust 0Proceed with thesteps describedbelow.SETUPSet UpDiscVideoAudioDisplayTV Screen ENTERAuto Clock SettingRETURNConnect antenna cable and if you use acable box, tune it to your local PBS CHthen...ChannelPlease push the ENTER key.SETUPSet UpDiscVideoAudioDisplayAuto Clock SettingAuto Clock Setting is complete.4/4/2002 12:15 AMDST............. ONTIME ZONE.... CSTChannelManual Clock SettingTime Zone AdjustSETUPDiscVideoAudioDisplayTV ScreenSet UpENTERManual Clock SettingRETURNCHANGE SELECT/ :/ SAT PMMONTH DAY YEAR HOUR MINUTE1 1 12 002000DST TIME ZONEOFF ESTChannelSETUPDiscVideoSet UpTime Zone Adjustj10i1Channel