23RQT6981Playing backPlaying while you are recording[RAM]Press [1] (PLAY).Play starts from the beginning of the program being recorded. (Timeslip indicator on the main unit lights.)[Note]Sound is not output while fast-forwarding.[RAM]You can play a program previously recorded.1 During recordingPress [DIRECT NAVIGATOR].Time slip indicator on the main unit lights.2 Press [3, 4] to select a program andpress [ENTER].[Note]≥Sound is not output while fast-forwarding.≥You cannot edit programs during simultaneous rec and play(➜page 32).[RAM]You can play the program being recorded to check that it is beingrecorded correctly. You can also check parts that were recorded pre-viously.1 Press [TIME SLIP].Time slip indicator on themain unit lights.Play starts from 30 sec-onds previous. The currentrecording images appearas a picture-in-picture andyou will hear the playbackaudio.≥You can select anotherprogram if you press[DIRECT NAVIGATOR].2 Press [3, 4] to enter the time andpress [ENTER].≥Press [3, 4] to alter inone-minute units. Pressand hold [3, 4] to alterin 10-minute units.Press [TIME SLIP] to show the play images in full. Press again toshow the play and recording images.Playing from the beginning of theprogram you are recording—Chasing PlayTo stop play and recording1 Press [∫]. (Play stops.)Wait 2 seconds.2 Press [∫]. (Recording stops.)≥To stop timer recording, press [∫], then [ENTER] within 5seconds.DVD TVINPUT SELECTVCR Plus+ OPEN/CLOSE TV/VIDEOCHVOLUMESKIPDIRECT NAVIGATOR PLAY LISTTOP MENUENTERMENUFUNCTIONS RETURNSTOP PAUSE PLAY/x1.3SLOW/SEARCHCANCEL1 2 3DVD TV4 5 67 8 90 100FRAME CM SKIP TIME SLIPERASE RECPROG/CHECK ADD/DLTF Rec REC MODESTATUS MARKERAUDIO SETUPDISPLAY POSITIONMEMORYPOWER3, 4, 2, 1ENTER∫DIRECTNAVIGATOR1TIME SLIPe.g.,You are recording a sportsprogram and you want towatch it from the beginning.The same sports program isplayed back from the begin-ning. (Recording continues.)Simultaneous rec and playReviewing the recorded images whilerecording—Time SlipDIRECT NAVIGATORNo DATECH TIME EDITTITLE33ENTER RETURN0 ~ 9NoTOTAL 2 SELECT01 4 Dinosaur02¥ 6/20 THU6 9 : 00 PM Soccer111116/19 WED 10 : 00 AMTITLEe.g.,You want to watch the movieyou recorded yesterday (pro-gram 1) while recording pro-gram 2 (sport).Program 1 is played backwhile program 2 (sport) isbeing recorded.0 minPLAYRECPlay imagesCurrentrecordingPLAYREC