28RQT6981EditingCreating play lists[RAM]Specify start and end points to create scenes, then specify the orderin which they are to be played. These scenes are not recorded sep-arately so this doesn’t use much capacity.You can create a maximum of 99 play lists and 999 scenes.PreparationRelease protection (cartridge ➜page 10, disc ➜page 38) beforeproceeding.1 While stoppedPress [PLAY LIST].2 Press [3, 4] to select “–– ––/––” andpress [ENTER].3 Press [ENTER] at the start point.≥Use [6], [5] and slow-motion (➜page 20) to find thestart and end points.≥Pressing [:], [9] allows you to select other programs.4 Press [ENTER] at the end point.To specify another sceneSelect “Next” and press [ENTER], then repeat steps 3 and 4.5 Press [3, 4] to select “Exit” andpress [ENTER].The play list screen appears.To clear the play list screenPress [PLAY LIST].To stop partway throughPress [RETURN].For your reference≥You cannot specify an end point before a start point.≥You may not be able to specify points within 3 seconds of eachother.≥Play pauses if the end of the last program on the disc is reachedduring this procedure.≥Depending on the state of recording, the actual number of playlists that can be recorded may be less than that specified in thismanual.DVD TVINPUT SELECTVCR Plus+ OPEN/CLOSE TV/VIDEOCHVOLUMESKIPDIRECT NAVIGATOR PLAY LISTTOP MENUENTERMENUFUNCTIONS RETURNSTOP PAUSE PLAY/x1.3SLOW/SEARCHCANCEL1 2 3DVD TV4 5 67 8 90 100FRAME CM SKIP TIME SLIPERASE RECPROG/CHECK ADD/DLTF Rec REC MODESTATUS MARKERAUDIO SETUPDISPLAY POSITIONMEMORYPOWER3, 4, 2, 1ENTER∫RETURNERASEPLAY LIST:, 9 6, 5Numberedbuttons PLAY LIST- - - - - -Auto actionUSJ01 10/23 0060060:0302 10/26 0:0703 10/21 0040:06Dinosaur33111111- - -- - - - /- - - - : - -0 ~ 9No.RETURNENTERSELECTNo DATE TOTAL SCENE EDITTITLE- - -- - - - - - - - -The location of thestart point.The length of the wholecontents on the disc. PLAY LISTCreation0 : 00 . 05Start End3Start1EndNextExitScene No.0 : 00 . 05RETURNENTERSELECTPLAY LIST No.4PLAY01-- : -- . --PLAY LISTCreation0 : 00 . 05Start EndStart1EndNextExitScene No.0 : 01 . 20RETURNENTERSELECT0 : 01 . 203 3PLAY LIST No.401The location ofthe end point.