58 ............................................. |City Series CV60E-1installation58 | City Series CV60E-1Vertical Terminations - Rigid Pipe 5" x 8"The minimum components required for a basic vertical termination are:1 Vertical Termination Cap1 Rigid Pipe Adaptor (770-994)1 Ceiling Firestop1 Flashing1 Storm Collar1 Length of pipes to suit wall thickness & vent run(see chart)When using Rigid Vent other thanSimpson Dura-Vent, 3 screws must beused to secure rigid pipe to adaptor.Galvanized pipe is desirable above the roofline due to its higher corrosionresistance. Continue to add pipe sections through the flashing until theheight of the vent cap meets the minimum height requirements specifiedin table below or local codes. Note that for steep roof pitches, thevertical height must be increased. A poor draft, or down draftingcan result from high wind conditions near big trees or adjoiningroof lines, in these cases, increasing the vent height may solve theproblem.Roof Pitch Minimum Vent HeightFeet Metersflat to 7/12 2 0.61over 7/12 to 8/12 2 0.61over 8/12 to 9/12 2 0.61over 9/12 to 10/12 2.5 0.76over 10/12 to 11/12 3.25 0.99over 11/12 to 12/12 4 1.22over 12/12 to 14/12 5 1.52over 14/12 to 16/12 6 1.83over 16/12 to 18/12 7 2.13over 18/12 to 20/12 7.5 2.29over 20/12 to 21/12 8 2.44Pipe LengthVertical TerminalStorm CollarFlashingCeiling FirestopRigid Pipe AdapterThis product has been evaluated by Intertek for using a Rigid Pipe Adaptor in conjunction withDuravent Direct-Vent, Selkirk Direct-Temp, Ameri Vent Direct Venting, ICC Excel Direct, OlympiaVentis DV, and Security Secure Vent systems. Use of these systems with the Rigid Pipe adaptor isdeemed acceptable and does not affect the Intertek WHI listing of components.WARNING:Do not combine venting components from different venting systems.However use of the the AstroCapTM and FPI Riser is acceptable with all systems.The FPI AstroCapTM and FPI Riser Vent terminal are certified for installations using FPI venting systems as well as Simpson Dura-Vent® Direct Vent, AmericanMetal Products Ameri Vent Direct Vent, Security Secure Vent®, ICC Excel, Olympia Ventis DV, Selkirk Direct-Temp. AstroCapTM is a proprietary trademarkof FPI Fireplace Products International Ltd. Dura-Vent® and Direct Vent are registered and/or proprietary trademarks of Simpson Dura-Vent Co. Inc.*Unit is not exactly as shown.