ACTION DISPLAY1. Press TRSF and then dial 728 TRANSLATION:(001)Display shows first entry DIGIT:2. Dial entry number (e.g., 005 or 0005) TRANSLATION:(005)OR use UP and DOWN to scroll DIGIT:_through entries and press rightsoft key to select entry3. Enter telephone number and press TRANSLATION:(005)right soft key to advance to name entry DIGIT:3054264100OR enter telephone number and pressleft soft key to return to step 2 above4. Enter the name using the method TRANSLATION:(005)in Program Station Names SAMSUNG TELECOMand press right or left soft key toreturn to step 2 aboveOR press SPK to save and advanceto next MMC OR press TRSF tosave and exit programmingDEFAULT DATA: NONE33HOLIDAYThis program provides the ability to set as many as 20 different holidays. Each hol-iday will override the System Operating Mode for that particular date with a pro-grammed ring plan.PROGRAM KEYSUP & DOWN - Used to scroll through options.KEYPAD - Used to enter selections.SOFT KEYS - Move cursor left and right.HOLD - Used to clear an entry.ACTION DISPLAY1. Press TRSF and then dial 512 :MM/DD :RP:VMDisplay shows Holiday 1 01: / : :2. Press the RIGHT soft key to advance cursor. :MM/DD :RP:VMPress UP or DOWN key to select a month. 01:_ / : :or use the dial pad to entera month number (e.g., 12).3. Press UP or DOWN key to select a day and :MM/DD :RP:VMpress RIGHT soft key to advance cursor 01:12/_ : :or use the dial pad to enter a day number.4. Press UP or DOWN to select a ring plan :MM/DD :RP:VMand press RIGHT soft key to advance cursor 01:12/31 :_ :or use the dial pad to enter a ring plannumber (e.g., 4).5. Press UP or DOWN key to select a voicemail :MM/DD :RP:VMring mode and press RIGHT soft key to 01:12/31 :4 :_advance cursor or use the dial pad to entera ring mode number (e.g., 15).6. Press TRSF to store and exit :MM/DD :RP:VMprogramming OR press SPK to store 01:12/31 :4 :15and advance to the next program34