Assembly Instructions19Dry Battery ServiceDANGERActivating a battery can be dangerous.The battery should be taken to a reliableservice station, battery store, or powerequipment dealer where a trained techni-cian can activate the battery safely. DONOT attempt to activate the battery unlessyou are experienced in battery servicework. The following activation and charg-ing instructions are provided for use by atrained battery technician.DANGERBattery electrolyte is a poisonous and cor-rosive sulfuric acid solution.● Avoid spillage and contact with skin,eyes, and clothing - causes severeburns.● To prevent accidents, wear safety gog-gles and rubber gloves when workingwith electrolyte.● Neutralize acid spills with baking sodaand water solution.To fill (activate) battery with electrolyte (if battery hasbeen shipped dry):1. Remove the battery holddown bar, disconnectthe battery cables and lift the battery out of thetray.IMPORTANT: Battery must be removed fromthe mower before filling with electrolyte.IMPORTANT: Obtain and use only batterygrade sulfuric acid electrolyte with a 1.265 specific gravity to activate the battery. DO NOT usewater or any other liquid during initial activation.2. Remove the filler caps and carefully fill each celluntil the electrolyte is just above the plates.3. After the battery is filled with electrolyte, replacethe filler caps and charge the battery. Refer toBattery Charging.Battery ChargingDANGERBATTERIES PRODUCE EXPLOSIVE GASES● Charge the battery in a well-ventilatedarea, so that gases produced whilecharg ing can dissipate.● Keep sparks, flames, and smoking ma-te rials away from the battery at alltimes.● Make sure the battery cap vents areopen after the battery is filled with acid(check manifold vent on each cap).● Make sure the battery charger is un-plugged before connecting or discon-necting cables to the battery.IMPORTANT: Always disconnect the negative ()battery terminal before charging. Failure to do socan result in damage to the ECU.1. Charge the battery at 15 amps for 10 minutes.DO NOT exceed 20 amps maximum recommended charging rate. Charge until specificgravity is at least 1.250. Total charging timeshould not exceed one (1) hour.2. After charging the battery, adjust the electrolytelevel to the bottom of the vent wells [1/4 to 1/2 in.(6 to 13 mm) above the plates].IMPORTANT: DO NOT overfill the battery.Electrolyte will overflow through the ventedcaps onto parts of the machine and WILL resultin severe corrosion.3. Install battery.