8825/8830 DDS User Guide/96Job Accounting – Setup and Administration(continued)Users are charged for thearea of media used, rather than the linear lengthused. On the display, the usage is reported insquare feet if INCHES hasbeen set in the menu under CONFIGURATION/ LOCALIZATION/ DISPLAYUNITS, and insquare metres if MILLIMETERS has been set. Internally, theusage figures are always stored on the internal hard disk expressed insquare decimetres. Usage figures written to a floppy disk are alsoexpressed in square decimetres.Separate usage figures are compiled for Bond, Vellum (Tracing Paper),Film, and Scanned (scan-to-network) usage.Plot nested jobs, that is, jobs that print multiple images arranged on a sheetof media, are charged for the calculated area that the images themselvesconsume. The surrounding white space area is charged to a special systemaccount.Setting the job accounting modeNote: setting the job accounting mode from the DDS User Interface affectsjob accounting only for jobs arriving from the Scanner, that is, scan jobsand copy jobs. It has no effect on jobs arriving through one of thecommunications ports on the Controller. Such jobs are known as “remoteprint jobs.”Job accounting for remote print jobs is controlled separately through thePrinter Control Panel. Refer to the 8825/8830 Job Accounting AdministratorGuide for full details.The job accounting mode may be set on the DDS User Interface to one ofthe following states:• Disabled (factory default). In this mode, jobs are allowed without entry ofany job account code. Total usage of each type of media is still accruedin System Account 0.1 and in system subaccount 0.3. Total usage byscan jobs (scan-to-net) is tracked in system subaccount 0.1.• Enabled. In this mode, copy jobs, scan jobs, and remote print jobs mustall have a valid account code entered, or the job is discarded and notprinted. The usage of each operator is tracked under that operator’saccount.subaccount number. Total usage is also accumulated in thesystem subaccounts, as shown in the Account Definitions table above.• Optional. In this mode, operators may optionally enter a valid jobaccount.subaccount number for a job; such jobs will be tracked just asthey are when Job Accounting is enabled. Jobs without valid jobaccount numbers are accepted and printed. Their use is tracked just asif job accounting were disabled.