8825/8830 DDS User Guide/78ReferenceDiagnosticsThe diagnostics menu contains five items:• USAGE METERS. Select this submenu to view the total system usagefor documents scanned and media printed.• CLEAR MEDIA USAGE. Select this submenu to reset to zero the usagevalue for documents scanned. This function is reserved for theCustomer Service Engineer, so the diagnostic password must first beentered. Return to the PASSWORD screen and enter the diagnosticspassword if it has not been entered already.DIAGNOSTICS* CLEAR MEDIAUSAGEUSAGE METERSPASSWORDINSTALLATIONTEST PRINTSCANNERDIAGNOSTICS* DiagnosticPasswordrequiredUSAGE METERSSCANNER M2: 11MEDIA LINEAR 307MEDIA AREA 670CLEAR MEDIA USAGESCANNER M2ARE YOU SURE? YESUSAGE CLEARED