8825/8830 DDS User Guide/106Job Accounting – Setup and AdministrationObtaining ReportsObtaining reports - password required (continued)Displaying the usage for the System AccountThe usage values for the system account and its subaccounts may bedisplayed in the same way as for user accounts. Enter account number 0(zero) and the desired subaccount, and press the Enter key.The types of usage data stored in the system subaccounts are shown in theAccount Definitions Table.Account DefinitionsAccount Definitions0.0 [Reserved]0.1 Total system usage from all sources and allaccounts, whether or not Job Accounting is enabled0.2 [reserved]0.3 Tracks media used by jobs with no account numberwhen Job Accounting is set to Optional, and allmedia usage when Job Accounting is set toDisabled. Also tracks media used for printingsystem-generated prints, such as test prints,configuration sheets, and error pages, whensubmitted by or caused by a job with an invalidaccount number.0.4 [Reserved]0.5 Total media usage for jobs printed under an invalidjob account number. Such usage only occurs if anaccount number is deleted after a job is submitted,but before it prints. Normally, no usage shouldaccrue.0.6 Tracks the media usage consumed by thesurrounding white space on the page when plot-nested jobs are printed. The user’s account oraccount 0.3, as appropriate, is charged for themedia area consumed by the actual plot-nestedimages.