8825/8830 DDS User Guide/80ReferenceScanner DiagnosticsThe SCANNER DIAGNOSTICS submenu provides an interface to thediagnostic routines built into the Scanner. The DOWNLOAD CODE andNORMALIZE CAMERAS routines can be used by the operator to restorenormal scanner performance without the need for a service call. Otherelements are useful for providing additional information to the customerservice engineer (CSE) on the telephone so that more rapid repairs may becompleted if service is required. Menu items marked with a P are functionsreserved for the CSE, and require a special password to use.Press the Next key or the Previous key to scroll through the choices on anyscreen. Press the Enter key to select the highlighted choice. Press the Exitkey to leave the screen.Each test is explained on the following pages.SCANNER DIAGNOSTICSSTITCH ALIGNMENTDOWNLOAD CODENORMALIZE CAMERASSCANNERDIAGNOSTICSREADNVRSET MACHINEMOTOR SPEEDCOMPONENTTESTSFULL SYSTEMTESTMEMORYTESTSPASSWORDNORMALIZECAMERASDOWNLOADCODEDIAGNOSTICSINSTALLATIONTEST PRINTLEFT TORIGHTFRONT TOBACKSTITCHALIGNMENTOUTPUTINPUTREGISTRATIONMOTORSPEEDNote:Diagnostic functions with aPinside the box areprotected functions. Thediagnostic password mustbe entered to gain accessto these functions. Suchfunctions are only for useunder the direction of theCustomer ServiceEngineer.PP