Basic RegulationsXerox® WorkCentre® 3215/3225User Guide263To ensure compliance with European Union regulations, use shielded interface cables.A signed copy of the Declaration of Conformity for this device can be obtained from Xerox.European Union Lot 4 Imaging Equipment Agreement EnvironmentalInformationEnvironmental Information Providing Environmental Solutions and Reducing CostIntroductionThe following information has been developed to assist users and has been issued in relation to theEuropean Union (EU) Energy Related Products Directive, specifically the Lot 4 study on ImagingEquipment. This requires manufacturers to improve environmental performance of in scope productsand supports the EU action plan on energy efficiency.In scope products are Household and Office equipment that meet the following criteria.• Standard monochrome format products with a maximum speed less than 66 A4 images perminute• Standard color format products with a maximum speed less than 51 A4 images per minuteEnvironmental Benefits of Duplex PrintingMost Xerox products have duplex printing, also known as 2-sided printing, capability. This enables youto print on both sides of the paper automatically, and therefore helps to reduce the use of valuableresources by reducing your paper consumption. The Lot 4 Imaging Equipment agreement requires thaton models greater than or equal to 40 ppm color or greater than or equal to 45 ppm monochrome theduplex function has been auto enabled, during the setup and driver installation. Some Xerox modelsbelow these speed bands may also be enabled with 2-sided printing settings defaulted on at the timeof install. Continuing to use the duplex function will reduce the environmental impact of your work.However, should you require simplex/1-sided printing, you may change the print settings in the printerdriver.Paper TypesThis product can be used to print on both recycled and virgin paper, approved to an environmentalstewardship scheme, which complies with EN1 2281 or a similar quality standard. Lighter weight paper(60 g/m 2), which contains less raw material and thus save resources per print, may be used in certainapplications. We encourage you to check if this is suitable for your printing needs.