42deviation value via U-08.10/COIN信号状态偏移脉冲(U-08) P5-005-3-7. Positioning near (/NEAR)Positioning near signal means the servo motor is near the positioning complete. It promptsthe device to prepare the next operation.5-3-8. Command pulse prohibition (/INHIBIT)To stop the commnad pulse input in position control mode. When /INHIBIT signal is ON,the command pulse stop counting.Input signal setting:Parameter Signal Default Meaning ModifyP5-36 /NEAR n.0000 Need to distribute Range: 0000-0013, distribute to outputterminal via P5-36. When it set to 0001,it means output from SO1.Note: /NEAR can be output from terminal by setting P5-36, please see chapter 5-12-3.P5-04 Width of positioning near signalUnit Default Range Suitable mode Modify Effective1 referenceunit50 0~10000 5, 6 Servo OFF ImmediatelyFunction: when the pulse error signal is lower than P5-04, output /NEAR signal.Set the parameter wider than positioning complete signal. Monitor the pulse error value via U-08.5-045-00/NEAR信号状态 0110/COIN信号状态偏移脉冲(U-08)Note: here is signal state, but not terminal state.Parameter Signal Default Meaning ModifyP5-22 /INHIBIT n.0000 Need to distribute Range: 0000-0015. When it set to0001, it means input from SO1.Note: /INHIBIT can be input from input terminal by setting P5-22. Please refer to chapter 5-12-1Pulsedeviation(U-08)/COINsignalError pulse(U-08)/NEAR signalstate/COINsignal state