52The torque limit value will be effective when the input signal is ON.P4-04 Forward external torque limitUnit Default Range Suitable mode Modify Effective1% 100 0~300 All modes Servo OFF ImmediatelyP4-05 Reverse external limitUnit Default Range Suitable mode Modify Effective1% 100 0~300 All modes Servo OFF ImmediatelyThe unit is the percent of motor rated torque; the default value is 100%.Parameter Signal Type Default Meaning ModifyP5-15 /P-CL Input n.0000 Need todistributeRange: 0000-0015.P5-16 /N-CL Input n.0000 Need todistributeRange: 0000-0015.Notes: /P-CL, /N-CL can be distributed to input terminal by parameter P5-15, P5-16. Refer to chapter5-12-1.Function realization:5-5-7-3. External torque limit (via analog voltage command)T-REF terminal is used as analog voltage command terminal. Please note in externalanalog torque control mode, this function cannot be used.Parameter Function Set value Meaning Modify EffectiveP0-07 Distribute function toT-REF1 Make T-REF as externaltorque limit inputServoOFFRe-poweron1. For analog voltage command input of torque limit. Get the absolute value of the voltage, the torquelimit value based on the absolute value is suitable for forward and reverse direction.2. When it is used as torque limit, the value is related to voltage command and P4-00. For example,P4-00=1000, T-REF voltage command is 5.0V, the torque limit value is 50% of rated torque.5-5-7-4. External torque limit (via external input + analog voltage)External torque limit via external input and analog voltage can be used together.Input analog voltage signal from T-REF. the torque limit function cannot be used whenservo is in analog command torque control mode.Use /P-CL and /N-CL signal when limit torque via external input.(1) ParametersParameter Function Set value Meaning Modify EffectiveP0-07 T-REF functiondistribution3 When P-CL, N-CL is ON,make T-REF as externaltorque limit input.ServoOFFRe-poweronSignal State Meaning Effective limit value/P-CL 0 Forward external torque limit OFF P4-021 Forward external torque limit ON Min value between P4-02 and P4-04/N-CL 0 Reverse external torque limit OFF P4-031 Reverse external torque limit ON Min value between P4-03 and P4-05P4-04 Forward external torque limitUnit Default Range Suitable mode Modify Effective1% 100 0~300 All modes Servo OFF ImmediatelyP4-05 Reverse external torque limitUnit Default Range Suitable mode Modify Effective