Setting 5: Overexcitation Deceleration 2Overexcitation Deceleration 2 slows down the motor while trying to maintain the DC bus voltage at the level set to parameterL3-17. This function shortens the achievable deceleration time more than by using Overexcitation Deceleration 1. Setting 5will shorten/lengthen the decel time to maintain the L3-17 bus level.n L3-05: Stall Prevention Selection during RunDetermines how Stall Prevention works during Run. Stall Prevention during run prevents the motor from stalling byautomatically reducing the speed when a transient overload occurs while the motor is running at constant speed.No. Name Setting Range DefaultL3-05 Stall Prevention Selection During Run 0 to 2 1Note: Stall Prevention during run is disabled when the output frequency is 6 Hz or lower regardless of the L3-05 and L3-06 settings.Setting 0: DisabledDrive runs at the set frequency reference. A heavy load may cause the motor to stall and trip the drive with an oC or oL fault.Setting 1: Decelerate using C1-02If the current exceeds the Stall Prevention level set in parameter L3-06, the drive will decelerate at decel time 1 (C1-02). Whenthe current level drops below the value of L3-06 minus 2% for 100 ms, the drive accelerates back to the frequency referenceat the active acceleration time.Setting 2: Decelerate using C1-04Same as setting 1 except the drive decelerates at decel time 2 (C1-04).n L3-06: Stall Prevention Level during RunSets the current level to trigger Stall Prevention during run. Depending on the setting of parameter L3-23, the level isautomatically reduced in the constant power range (speed beyond base speed). A setting of 100% is equal to the drive ratedcurrent.The Stall Prevention level can be adjusted using an analog input.No. Name Setting Range DefaultL3-06 Stall Prevention Level During Run 30 to 150% <1> <1><1> The upper limit and default for this setting is determined by L8-38.4.6 Basic Drive Setup AdjustmentsYASKAWA ELECTRIC TOEP YAIP1U 01B YASKAWA AC Drive - P1000 Quick Start Guide 1174 Start-Up Programming &Operation