No.(Addr.Hex) Name Description Values PageL8-19(4BF) Frequency Reduction Rateduring Overheat Pre-AlarmSpecifies the frequency reference reduction gain at overheat pre-alarm whenL8-03 = 4. Default: 0.8Min.: 0.1Max.: 0.9 –L8-32(4E2)Main Contactor and CoolingFan Power Supply FailureSelectionDetermines drive response when a fault occurs with the internal cooling fan.0: Ramp to stop1: Coast to stop2: Fast stop (Decelerate to stop using the deceleration time set to C1-09)3: Alarm only (“FAn” will flash)4: Continue operation at reduced speed as set to L8-19.Default: 1Range: 0 to 4 –L8-35(4EC) Installation MethodSelection0: IP00/Open-Chassis enclosure1: Side-by-Side mounting2: IP20/NEMA Type 1 enclosure3: Finless model drive or external heatsink installationDefault: <2> <3>Range: 0 to 3 –L8-38(4EF) Carrier FrequencyReduction0: Disabled1: Enabled below 6 Hz2: Enabled for the entire speed rangeDefault: 2Range: 0 to 2 –L8-40(4F1) Carrier FrequencyReduction Off Delay TimeSets the time that the drive continues running with reduced carrier frequencyafter the carrier reduction condition is gone. Setting 0.00 s disables the carrierfrequency reduction time.Default: 0.5 sMin.: 0.00Max.: 2.00 –L8-41(4F2) High Current AlarmSelection0: Disabled1: Enabled. An alarm is triggered at output currents above 150% of drive ratedcurrent.Default: 0Range: 0, 1 –L8-55(45F) Internal Braking TransistorProtection 0: Disabled. Disable when using a regen converter or optional braking unit.1: Protection enabled. Default: 1Range: 0, 1 –L8-93(73C) LSo Detection Time at LowSpeed Sets the amount of time until baseblock is executed after detecting pull-out atlow speed.Default: 1.0 sMin.: 0.0Max.: 10.0 –L8-94(73D) LSo Detection Level at LowSpeedDetermines the detection level of pull-out at low speed. Default: 3%Min.: 0Max.: 10 –L8-95(73D) Average LSo Frequency atLow SpeedSets the average number of times pull-out can occur at low speed. Default: 10 timesMin.: 1Max.: 50 –<1> Default setting is dependent on parameter o2-04, Drive Model Selection.<2> Parameter setting value is not reset to the default value when the drive is initialized.<3> Default setting is determined by the drive model:Setting 2: Model code CIMR-Po2A0004 to 2A0211, 4A0002 to 4A0165, and 5A0003 to 5A0242Setting 0: Model code CIMR-Po2A0250 to 2A0415 and 4A0208 to 4A0675B.7 L: Protection Function216 YASKAWA ELECTRIC TOEP YAIP1U 01B YASKAWA AC Drive - P1000 Quick Start Guide