Motor has overheated• Check the size of the load, the accel/decel times, and the cycle times.• Decrease the load.• Increase the acceleration and deceleration times (C1-01 through C1-04).• Adjust the preset V/f pattern (E1-04 through E1-10) by reducing E1-08 and E1-10.• Do not set E1-08 and E1-10 too low. This reduces load tolerance at low speeds.• Check the motor rated current.• Enter the motor rated current to parameter E2-01 as indicated on the motor nameplate.• Ensure the motor cooling system is operating normally.• Repair or replace the motor cooling system.ovDC Bus OvervoltageThe DC bus voltage exceeded the trip point.• For 200 V class drives: approximately 410 V• For 400 V class drives: approximately 820 V (740 V when E1-01 is less than 400)• For 600 V class drives: approximately 1040 VPASS MEMOBUS/Modbus Comm. Test Mode CompleterUn Motor Switch during RunA command to switch motors was entered during run.SEMEMOBUS/Modbus Communication Test Mode ErrorNote: This alarm will not trigger a multi-function output terminal that is set for alarm output(H2-oo = 10).TrPC IGBT Maintenance Time (90%)IGBTs have reached 90% of their expected performance life.UvUndervoltageOne of the following conditions was true when the drive was stopped and a Run command was entered:• DC bus voltage dropped below the level specified in L2-05.• Contactor to suppress inrush current in the drive was opened.• Low voltage in the control drive input power. This alarm outputs only if L2-01 is not 0 and DC bus voltageis under L2-05.WrUn Waiting for RunCause Possible SolutionsThe Run command has been applied andthe b1-11 timer is active. Adjust b1-11 to the desired delay time. The drive sill start normally after the b1-11 timer expires.5.3 Alarm Detection148 YASKAWA ELECTRIC TOEP YAIP1U 01B YASKAWA AC Drive - P1000 Quick Start Guide