u L2: Momentary Power Loss Ride-ThruNo.(Addr.Hex) Name LCD Display Description Values PageL2-01(0485) Momentary Power LossOperation SelectionPwrL Selection0: Disabled1: Enbl with Timer2: Enbl whl CPU act0: Disabled.Drive trips on Uv1 fault when power is lost.1: Recover within the time set in L2-02.Uv1 will be detected if power loss is longer than L2-02.2: Recover as long as CPU has power.Fdv is not detected.Default: 0Range: 0 to 2 109L2-02(0486) Momentary Power LossRide-Thru Time PwrL Ridethru t Sets the Power Loss Ride-Thru time. Enabled only whenL2-01 = 1. Default: 0.5 sMin.: 0.0Max.: 2.5 110L2-03(0487)Momentary Power LossMinimum BaseblockTime PwrL Baseblock tSets the minimum wait time for residual motor voltage decaybefore the drive output reenergizes after performing PowerLoss Ride-Thru.Increasing the time set to L2-03 may help if overcurrent orovervoltage occur during Speed Search or during DC InjectionBraking.Default: <1>Min.: 0.1 sMax.: 5.0 s110L2-04(0488)Momentary Power LossVoltage Recovery RampTime PwrL V/F Ramp tSets the time for the output voltage to return to the preset V/fpattern during Speed Search. Default: <1>Min.: 0.0 sMax.: 5.0 s110L2-07(048B)Momentary Power LossVoltage RecoveryAcceleration Time KEB Accel TimeSets the time to accelerate to the frequency reference whenmomentary power loss is over. If set to 0.0, the activeacceleration time is used.Default: 0.00 sMin.: 0.00Max.: 6000.0 <2> 110L2-13(04CD) Input Power FrequencyFault Detection Gain FDV Detect Gain Set the gain to use to detect power supply frequency fault (Fdv). Default: 1.0Min.: 0.1Max.: 2.0 110L2-21(04D5) Low Input VoltageDetection Level AVV Detect evel Set the level at which to detect a low input voltage.Default: 150 VMin.: 100 V <3>Max.: 230 V <3>110L2-27(04F7)Power SupplyFrequency FaultDetection Width FDV Detect Width Sets the frequency width to use to detect power supplyfrequency fault (Fdv).Default: 6.0 HzMin.: 3.0 HzMax.: 20.0 Hz 111<1> Default setting is dependent on parameter o2-04, Drive Model Selection.<2> Setting range value is dependent on parameter C1-10, Accel/Decel Time Setting Units. When C1-10 = 0 (units of 0.01 seconds), the setting rangebecomes 0.00 to 600.00 seconds.<3> Values shown are specific to 200 V class drives. Double the value for 400 V class drives.u L3: Stall PreventionNo.(Addr.Hex) Name LCD Display Description Values PageL3-01(048F)Stall PreventionSelection duringAccelerationStallP Accel Sel0: Disabled1: General purpose3: iLim Mode0: Disabled.1: General purpose. Acceleration is paused as long as thecurrent is above the L3-02 setting.3: Enabled (Current Limit). The acceleration rate isautomatically adjusted while limiting the output current at thesetting value of the stall prevention level (L3-02).Default: 1Range: 0, 1, 3<1>111L3-02(0490) Stall Prevention Levelduring Acceleration StallP Accel LvlUsed when L3-01 = 1 or 3. 100% is equal to the drive ratedcurrent. Default: <2>Min.: 0%Max.: 150% <2>113L3-03(0491) Stall Prevention Limitduring Acceleration StallPAccDecLim Sets Stall Prevention lower limit during acceleration whenoperating in the constant power range. Set as a percentage ofdrive rated current.Default: 50%Min.: 0Max.: 100 113L3-04(0492)Stall PreventionSelection duringDecelerationStallP Decel Sel0: Disabled1: General purpose4: High Flux Brake6: iLim Mode0: Disabled. Deceleration at the active deceleration rate. An ovfault may occur.1: General purpose. Deceleration is paused when the DC busvoltage exceeds the Stall Prevention level.4: Overexcitation Deceleration. Decelerates while increasingthe motor flux6: Enable (Current Limit). The deceleration rate isautomatically adjusted while limiting the regeneration currentat the setting value of the stall prevention level (L3-14).Default: 1Range: 0, 1, 4, 6<1>113A.10 L: Protection FunctionYASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710636 10C Z1000U HVAC MATRIX Drive Programming Manual 229A Parameter List