84Functions Used As NeededSet ModeSet mode item No./Item Description of function Option(Bold letters: Default)Referencepage8-2 APRS FILTER Select a filter function. Mic-E: ON / OFFPOSITION: ON / OFFWEATHER: ON / OFFOBJECT: ON / OFFITEM: ON / OFFSTATUS: ON / OFFOTHER: OFF / ONALTNET: ON / OFF8-3 APRS MODEM Select an APRS baud rate. OFF / 1200bps / 9600bps8-4 APRS MUTE Turn on/off the B-band AF mutingfunction when APRS is set.ON / OFF8-5 APRS POPUP Select a pop-up beacon type. Mic-E:OFF / ALL 2s to ALL 60s /ALLCNT / BND2s to BND60s /BNDCNTPOSITION:OFF / ALL2s to ALL60s /ALLCNT / BND2s to BND60s /BNDCNTWEATHER:OFF / ALL2s to ALL60s /ALLCNT / BND2s to BND60s /BNDCNTOBJECT:OFF / ALL2s to ALL60s /ALLCNT / BND2s to BND60s /BNDCNTITEM:OFF / ALL2s to ALL60s /ALLCNT / BND2s to BND60s /BNDCNTSTATUS:OFF / ALL2s to ALL60s /ALLCNT / BND2s to BND60s /BNDCNTOTHER:OFF / ALL2s to ALL60s /ALLCNT / BND2s to BND60s /BNDCNT8-5 APRS POPUP Select a pop-up beacon type. MY PACKET:OFF / ALL2s to ALL60s /ALLCNT / BND2s to BND60s /BNDCNT