53. Touch [OK] to save the setting.• When registering in the DP-ID list is finished, “COMPLITED” is displayed for threeseconds, then the display returns to the DP-ID list screen.• If not registering the DP-ID, press the [CANCEL].• If registering several DP-IDs, repeat step 2 and 3.• A maximum of 24 stations may be registered.4. Press the PTT switch to save the setting and return to normal operation.• Similarly, register all of the communicating transceivers’ DP-IDs to the DP-ID listsof the other stations.• The DP-ID setting is complete.For communicating using the DP-ID function, register the DP-ID of each other’s transceiveron both transceivers. By registering the DP-ID, users may communicate even if the Digitalgroup ID (DG-ID) is a different settingDP-ID: bbbbbDG-ID: TX02 RX02DP-ID: cccccDG-ID: TX01 RX01DP-ID: aaaaaDG-ID: TX01 RX01DP-ID listB station's DP-ID “bbbbb”A station and C station do not registerthe DP-ID of each other's transceivero n b o t h t r a n s c e i v e r s , b u t e a c ht r a n s c e i v e r s m a y c o m m u n i c a t ebecause the same DG-ID is set toboth transceivers.A BCDP-ID listA station's DP-ID “aaaaa”DP-ID listB station's DP-ID “bbbbb”The transceivers may communicateeven if the Digital Group ID (DG-ID) isa different setting because A Stationand B station register the DP-ID ofeach other's transceiver on bothtransceivers.B S t a t i o n m a y n o t r e c e i v e t h e Cstation's signal because B station doesnot register the C station's DP-ID.C station may receive the B station'ssignal because C station register the Bstation's DP-ID.Deleting the registered DP-ID1. Press and hold the [DISP] key touch [GM] touch [1 DP-ID LIST].The DP-ID list is displayed.1 JA1ZRL2 W6DXC3 JQ1YBF