5-53CRANKCASE ENGNOTE:13. Select: Crankshaft journal bearings (J1 J5) The numbers A stamped into the crankshaftweb and the numbers B stamped into the low-er crankcase are used to determine the re-placement crankshaft journal bearing sizes. “J1 J5” refer to the bearings shown in thecrankshaft illustration. If “J1 J5” are the same, use the same sizefor all of the bearings.Selection of bearings:For example, if the crankcase “J 1” and crank-shaft web “J 1” numbers are “6” and “2” respec-tively, then the bearing size for “J1” is:Bearing size for J 1:J1 (crankcase) – J1 (crankshaft web)– 2 = 6 – 2 – 2 = 2 (black)CRANKSHAFT JOURNAL BEARINGCOLOR CODE–1 Violet0 White1 Blue2 Black3 Brown14. Measure: Crankshaft-pin-to-big-end-bearing clear-anceOut of specification Replace the big endbearings.Crankshaft-pin-to-big-end-bearing clearance:0.016 0.040 mm(0.0006 0.0016 in)