T ROUBLESHOOTING AND O NLINE H ELP RESOURCES106The introductory screen of the 3Com BBSwill look like the screen shot below. TheBBS gives you access to customer andtechnical support documents and the BBSlibrary. The library contains hundreds ofhelpful files and tips to help simplify usingyour modem.When you are ready to leave the BBS, typeG (for “good-bye”) from the main menu.3Com offers a number of other onlinetechnical support options. Choose any one ofthe following options for help with and/ormore information on your new modem.Internet FTPProvides free library containing the same filesas the BBS site. FTP to ftp.usr.com.Internet on DemandProvides automatic technical support througha library containing product information,quick reference cards, and installation help.To obtain an index of available documents,send a blank e-mail to support@usr.com.To have a specific document e-mailed to you,send the document's number in the subject field.