U SING MODEM S TATION82what you’ll see (and why it is important to you)as fully as possible.There are a series of commands used to obtaindetailed information from U.S. Roboticsmodems. Extended Information provides aconvenient way to get that importantinformation without memorizing the commands.From the “Detect New Modems” screen, clickExtended Information.The “Extended Information” screen providesaccess to the following information about yourmodem:♦ ROM CHECKSUM♦ PRODUCT♦ ACTIVE PROFILE♦ STORED PROFILE♦ CONFIGURATION PROFILE♦ LINK DIAGNOSTICS♦ VxD CONFIGURATION♦ DIAL/SECURITYWinmodem users will have access to VxDinformation via these screens.Courier users will have access to Dial/Securityinformation.Click ROM Checksum to bring up thefollowing screen.Technicians use the ROM Checksum to verifyinformation stored in the modem’s Read OnlyMemory. For information about the specific