GLOSSARY120terminalA device whose keyboard and display areused for sending and receiving data over acommunications link. Differs from amicrocomputer or a mainframe in that it haslittle or no internal processing capabilities.terminal modeSoftware mode that allows directcommunication with the modem. Also knownas command mode.throughputThe amount of actual user data transmitted persecond without the overhead of protocolinformation such as start/stop bits or frameheaders and trailers. Compare withcharacters per second.V.8The ITU-T standard specification that coversthe initial handshaking process.V.17 faxAn ITU-T standard for making facsimileconnections at 14,400 bps, 12,000 bps, 9,600bps, 7,200 bps.V.21An ITU-T standard for modems operating inasynchronous mode at speeds up to 300 bps,full-duplex, on public switched telephonenetworks.