U SING MODEM S TATION86you for your Supervisor or EPROM date,look here.• DSP Date is the date of the ‘firmware’ thatcontrols the DSP in your modem.• Supervisor and DSP rev (or revisions) arethe equivalent of software version numbers.• DAA Country displays the countries yourmodem is designed for. This is importantbecause phone systems andtelecommunications laws vary from countryto country.Click Link Diagnostics to bring up the “LinkDiagnostics” screen.The “Link Diagnostics” screen displaysstatistics about your last connection. Thisscreen is most often used as an aid indiagnosing connection failures, but it also canprovide information about connection speedsand phone line conditions.• Modulation displays the speed and type ofconnection.• Carrier Frequency displays the electricalfrequency of the carrier signal.