U SING MODEM S TATION87• Symbol Rate displays the speed of thetransmission.• Trellis Code, Nonlinear Encoding,Shaping, and Precoding all refer tomethods of handling high speed datatransmission.• The items followed by (dB), (-dB), (-dBm),and (msec) refer to variations in themodulation tones that actually carry theinformation.The rest of the screen contains informationabout CRC errors, Block Errors (Blers),resent data, and other data. This information isvery important if you experience problemstransmitting or receiving data or if you suspectproblems with your phone service.If you are having connection problems, godirectly to this screen to get this information. Ifyou save anything to the modem between thelast connection and this screen, the modem willnot save these settings.Only our U.S. Robotics Winmodems useVxDs, or Virtual Device Drivers. TheWinmodem uses special software (called a‘driver’) to manage many of the functionshandled by hardware in our other modems. Ifyou are using a Winmodem, the ExtendedInformation menu will offer you the option ofclicking on VxD to view information on theWinmodem driver. Please refer to yourWinmodem manual for detailed information onthe Winmodem drivers.Courier users will see a display of currentDialback/Security settings. Refer to yourCourier documentation for instructions onconfiguring these special features.