GLOSSARY111asynchronous transmissionData transmission in which the length of timebetween transmitted characters may vary.Because characters may not be transmitted atset intervals, start/stop bits are used to markthe beginning and end of each answerSets the modem to pick up the phone linewhen it detects a certain number of rings. SeeS-register S0 in the “Technical QuickReference.”auto dialA process where your modem dials a call foryou. The dialing process is initiated by sendingan ATDT (dial tone) or ATDP (dial pulse)command followed by the telephone number.Auto dial is used to dial voice numbers. Seecommand Dn.baud rateA term used to measure the speed of an analogtransmission from one point to another.Although not technically accurate, baud rate iscommonly used to mean bit rate.binary digitA 0 or 1, reflecting the use of the binarynumbering system. Used because the computerrecognizes either of two states, OFF or ON.Shortened form of binary digit is bit.bit rateAlso referred to as transmission rate. Thenumber of binary digits, or bits, transmittedper second (bps). Communications channelsusing analog modems are established at set bitrates, commonly 2400, 4800, 9600, 14,400,28,800 and higher.