GLOSSARY117local echoA modem feature that enables the modem todisplay keyboard commands and transmitteddata on the screen. See command En.MNPMicrocom Networking Protocol, an error-control protocol developed by Microcom,Inc., and now in the public domain. There areseveral different MNP protocols, but the mostcommonly used one ensures error-freetransmission through error detection (CRC)and retransmission of flawed frames.modemA device that transmits/receives computer datathrough a communications channel such asradio or telephone lines. It also changes signalsreceived from the phone line back to digitalsignals before passing them to the receivingcomputer.nonvolatile memory (NVRAM)User-programmable random access memorywhose data is retained when power is turnedoff. On the U.S. Robotics modem, it includesfour stored phone numbers and the hookModem operations that are the equivalent ofmanually lifting a phone receiver (taking it off-hook) and replacing it (going on-hook).