U SING MODEM S TATION85Click Configuration to bring up the first ofthese screens.The “Configuration” screen displays thefollowing information about your modem.• Product Type displays the informationrelating to the make and model of yourmodem.• Options displays the protocols available toyour modem.• Fax Options displays your faxcompatibility.• Clock Frequency displays the speed of thetiny “clock” that controls the timing ofoperations within the modem.• EPROM displays how much informationcan be stored in the EPROM (orSupervisor) chip.• RAM displays how much memory yourmodem has for processing commands andinternal functions.• Supervisor Date (or EPROM Date)displays the version date of the ‘firmware’stored in the Supervisor chip. (TheSupervisor chip contains the specialsoftware used to control your modem’sfunctions.) If a support representative asks