INTERNAL MODEM INSTALLATION WITH WINDOWS 3.X124. To change the COM port and IRQ settings,you need to reposition the jumper shunts onthe COM port and IRQ pins. To do this, liftthe jumper shunts off the pins.TIP: Grasp the jumper shunts witha tweezers or needle-nosed pliers. DONOT grasp too firmly, as you may crushthe shunts. If a jumper shunt seemsstuck, gently rock it back and forth asyou lift. Do not touch any other part ofthe modem or your computer with thetweezers/pliers. A shunt needs to besitting on both jumper pins in order toeffectively set the modem to thedesired setting.5. Move the jumper shunt to the new setting.• The COM port setting can involve one tothree shunts. The four possible COM portsettings are as follows:0 1 SELCOM 10 1 SELCOM 30 1 SELCOM 40 1 SELCOM 2• Unlike most COM port settings, the IRQsetting involves only one jumper shunt.Simply move the jumper shunt to the pinslabeled with the IRQ you need.