Storage 3-7For vehicles with a roof rack, therack can be used to load items.For roof racks that do not havecrossrails included, GM Certifiedcrossrails can be purchased as anaccessory. See your dealer/retailerfor additional information.Notice: Loading cargo on theroof rack that weighs more than75 kg (165 lbs) or hangs over therear or sides of the vehicle maydamage the vehicle. Load cargoso that it rests evenly betweenthe crossrails, making sure tofasten cargo securely.To prevent damage or loss of cargowhen driving, check to make surecrossrails and cargo are securelyfastened. Loading cargo on the roofrack will make the vehicle’s centerof gravity higher. Avoid high speeds,sudden starts, sharp turns, suddenbraking or abrupt maneuvers,otherwise it may result in loss ofcontrol. If driving for a long distance,on rough roads, or at high speeds,occasionally stop the vehicle tomake sure the cargo remains inits place.Do not exceed the maximum vehiclecapacity when loading the vehicle.For more information on vehiclecapacity and loading, see VehicleLoad Limits on page 8‑12.Installation of CrossrailsA. CrossrailsB. Crossrail EndC. Siderail Cover1. Siderail covers (C) must beremoved for installing thecrossrails (A).2. To remove siderail covers, startat the back of the vehicle andpull straight up.