Seats and Restraints 2-7Thigh SupportAdjustmentOn vehicles with this feature,adjust the manual leg extension byreaching under it, in the pocketedarea. Press the release buttonand pull or push to lengthen orshorten it. Release the button tolock it in place.Reclining SeatbacksManual Reclining Seatbacks{ WARNINGYou can lose control of thevehicle if you try to adjust amanual driver's seat while thevehicle is moving. The suddenmovement could startle andconfuse you, or make you push apedal when you do not want to.Adjust the driver's seat only whenthe vehicle is not moving.{ WARNINGIf either seatback is not locked, itcould move forward in a suddenstop or crash. That could causeinjury to the person sitting there.Always push and pull on theseatbacks to be sure they arelocked.If the front passenger seat has amanual reclining seatback, the leverused to operate it is located on theoutboard side of the seat.To recline the seatback:1. Lift the recline lever.2. Move the seatback to thedesired position, then releasethe lever to lock the seatback inplace.3. Push and pull on the seatback tomake sure it is locked.