Infotainment System 6-453. Say the name tag of the personto call.. If the system clearlyrecognizes the name tag itresponds with “OK, calling,” and dials thenumber.. If the system is unsure itrecognizes the right nametag, it confirms the nametag followed by a tone.If the name tag is correct,say “Yes”. The systemresponds with “OK, calling,” and dials thenumber. If the name tag isnot correct, say “No”. Thesystem will ask for thename tag to be re-entered.Once connected, the person calledwill be heard through the audiospeakers.Using the Re-dial Command1. Press and hold b g fortwo seconds:. For vehicles without anavigation system, thesystem responds with“Ready” followed by a tone.. For vehicles with anavigation system, thesystem responds with atone. After the tone say“Hands Free”. The systemresponds with “Ready”followed by a tone.2. After the tone, say “Re-dial”. Thesystem responds with “Re-dialusing ” and dialsthe last number called from theconnected Bluetooth phone.Once connected, the person calledwill be heard through the audiospeakers.Receiving a CallWhen an incoming call is received,the audio system mutes and a ringtone is heard in the vehicle.. Press b g and begin speakingto answer the call.. Press c ª to ignore a call.Call WaitingCall waiting must be supported onthe Bluetooth phone and enabled bythe wireless service carrier to work.. Press b g to answer anincoming call when another callis active. The original call isplaced on hold.. Press b g again to return to theoriginal call.. To ignore the incoming call,continue with the original callwith no action.. Press c ª to disconnect thecurrent call and switch to the callon hold. PreviousNext |