6-48 Infotainment System3. Say the number to send.. If the system clearlyrecognizes the number itresponds with “OK, SendingNumber” and the dial tonesare sent and the callcontinues.. If the system is not sure itrecognized the numberproperly, it responds “DialNumber, Please say yes orno?” followed by a tone.If the number is correct, say“Yes”. The system respondswith “OK, Sending Number”and the dial tones are sentand the call continues.Sending a Stored Name TagDuring a Call1. Press b g . The systemresponds with “Ready” followedby a tone.2. Say “Send name tag.” Thesystem responds with “Say aname tag to send tones”followed by a tone.3. Say the name tag to send.. If the system clearlyrecognizes the name tag itresponds with “OK, Sending” and the dialtones are sent and the callcontinues.. If the system is not sure itrecognized the name tagproperly, it responds “Dial, Please sayyes or no?” followed by atone. If the name tag iscorrect, say “Yes”. Thesystem responds with “OK,Sending ” andthe dial tones are sent andthe call continues.Clearing the SystemUnless information is deleted out ofthe in-vehicle Bluetooth system, itwill be retained indefinitely. Thisincludes all saved name tags in thephonebook and phone pairinginformation. For information on howto delete this information, see theabove sections on Deleting a PairedPhone and Deleting Name Tags.Other InformationThe Bluetooth ® word mark andlogos are owned by the Bluetooth ®SIG, Inc. and any use of such marksby General Motors is under license.Other trademarks and trade namesare those of their respective owners.See Radio Frequency Statement onpage 12‑16 for FCC information.