Vehicle Care 9-75The vehicle needs new tires if anyof the following statements are true:. You can see the indicators atthree or more places aroundthe tire.. You can see cord or fabricshowing through the tire'srubber.. The tread or sidewall is cracked,cut, or snagged deep enough toshow cord or fabric.. The tire has a bump, bulge,or split.. The tire has a puncture, cut,or other damage that cannot berepaired well because of the sizeor location of the damage.The rubber in tires degrades overtime. This is also true for the sparetire, if the vehicle has one, evenif it is not being used. Multipleconditions affect how fast this agingtakes place, including temperatures,loading conditions, and inflationpressure maintenance. With propercare and maintenance tires typicallywear out before they degrade due toage. If you are unsure about theneed to replace the tires as they getolder, consult the tire manufacturerfor more information.Buying New TiresGM has developed and matchedspecific tires for your vehicle.The original equipment tiresinstalled on your vehicle, when itwas new, were designed to meetGeneral Motors Tire PerformanceCriteria Specification (TPC Spec)system rating. If you needreplacement tires, GM stronglyrecommends that you get tires withthe same TPC Spec rating. Thisway, your vehicle will continue tohave tires that are designed to givethe same performance and vehiclesafety, during normal use, as theoriginal tires.