Instruments and Controls 4-41When you reset the Change EngineOil Soon message by clearing itfrom the display, you still must resetthe engine oil life system separately.For more information on resettingthe engine oil life system, seeEngine Oil Life System onpage 9‑12.Engine Oil Low Add OilIf the vehicle has an oil level sensor,this message displays if the oil levelin the vehicle is low. Check the oillevel and correct it as necessary.You may need to let the vehicle coolor warm up and cycle the ignition tobe sure this message clears.This message clears itself after10 seconds, until the next ignitioncycle. See Engine Oil on page 9‑10for additional information.Oil Pressure Low Stop EngineNotice: If you drive your vehiclewhile the engine oil pressure islow, severe engine damage mayoccur. If a low oil pressurewarning appears on theinstrument panel cluster and/orDIC, stop the vehicle as soon aspossible. Do not drive the vehicleuntil the cause of the low oilpressure is corrected. See EngineOil on page 9‑10 for moreinformation.This message displays when thevehicle's engine oil pressure is low.The oil pressure light may alsoappear on the instrument panelcluster. See Engine Oil PressureLight on page 4‑30. See Engine Oilon page 9‑10 for more information.Stop the vehicle immediately, asengine damage can result fromdriving a vehicle with low oilpressure. Have the vehicle servicedby your dealer/retailer as soon aspossible when this message isdisplayed.Engine Power MessagesEngine Power Is ReducedThis message displays when theengine power is being reduced toprotect the engine from damage.There could be several malfunctionsthat might cause this message.Reduced engine power can affectthe vehicle's ability to accelerate.If this message is on, but there is noreduction in performance, proceedto your destination. Theperformance may be reduced thenext time the vehicle is driven. Thevehicle may be driven at a reducedspeed while this message is on, butacceleration and speed may bereduced. Anytime this messagestays on, the vehicle should betaken to your dealer/retailer forservice as soon as possible.