Instruments and Controls 4-35information button again until theDIC displays Rear Tire PSI (kPa)Left ## Right ##.If a low tire pressure condition isdetected by the system whiledriving, a message advising you toadd air to a specific tire appears inthe display. See Tire Pressure onpage 9‑66 and Tire Messages onpage 4‑48 for more information.Battery VoltageThis display shows the currentbattery voltage. The vehicle'scharging system regulates voltagebased on the state of the battery.The battery voltage may fluctuatewhen viewing this information on theDIC. This is normal.If there is a problem with the batterycharging system, the chargingsystem light illuminates and/or theDIC displays a message. SeeCharging System Light onpage 4‑23, Battery Voltage andCharging Messages on page 4‑37and Battery Load Management onpage 5‑6 for more information.Calibrate CompassThe vehicle may have this feature.The compass can be manuallycalibrated. To calibrate the compassthrough the DIC, see “DICCompass” later in this section.Change Compass ZoneThe vehicle may have this feature.To change the compass zonethrough the DIC, see “DICCompass” later in this section.Relearn Remote KeyIf the vehicle has the RemoteKeyless Entry (RKE) system, thisdisplay allows you to match thetransmitter to the vehicle. Thisprocedure will erase all previouslylearned transmitters. Therefore, theymust be relearned as additionaltransmitters.If the vehicle has the keylessaccess system, see the KeylessAccess information for RemoteKeyless Entry (RKE) SystemOperation (Key Access) onpage 1‑5 or Remote Keyless Entry(RKE) System Operation (KeylessAccess) on page 1‑7 forinstructions on matching a keylessaccess transmitter to the vehicle.To match an RKE transmitter to thevehicle:1. Press the vehicle informationbutton until Press To RelearnRemote Key displays.2. Press the set/reset button untilRemote Key Learning Active isdisplayed.3. Press and hold the lock andunlock buttons on the firsttransmitter at the same time forabout 15 seconds.On vehicles with memory recallseats, the first transmitterlearned will match driver 1 andthe second will match driver 2.A chime sounds indicating thatthe transmitter is matched.