Instruments and Controls 4-43If moving the transmitter todifferent locations within thevehicle does not help, place thetransmitter in the center consoletransmitter pocket with thebuttons facing the front of thevehicle and then start thevehicle.. The vehicle's battery voltage islow. The battery voltage must beabove 10 volts for the keylessaccess transmitter to bedetected properly.Electronic Key Not DetectedRestart AllowedIf the vehicle has the keylessaccess system, this messagedisplays when the keyless accesstransmitter is not detected inside thevehicle while you are trying to turnthe ignition off. The vehicle may benear a strong radio antenna signalcausing the keyless access systemto be jammed. If you have thekeyless access transmitter with you,get out of the vehicle and lock thedoors. If you do not have thekeyless access transmitter with you,you will be able to start the vehicleagain within five minutes, or until thevehicle's content theft deterrentsystem is armed. See Starting theEngine on page 8‑20 for moreinformation.Learn Delay Active WaitXX Min (Minutes)If the vehicle has the keylessaccess system, this messagedisplays when matching newtransmitters to the vehicle. See theKeyless Access information forRemote Keyless Entry (RKE)System Operation (Key Access) onpage 1‑5 or Remote Keyless Entry(RKE) System Operation (KeylessAccess) on page 1‑7 for moreinformation.Maximum # Electronic KeysLearnedIf the vehicle has the keylessaccess system, this messagedisplays when the maximumnumber of transmitters have beenlearned. See the Keyless Accessinformation for Remote KeylessEntry (RKE) System Operation (KeyAccess) on page 1‑5 or RemoteKeyless Entry (RKE) SystemOperation (Keyless Access) onpage 1‑7 for more information.