6-44 Infotainment System3. Say the entire number withoutpausing.. If the system recognizesthe number, it respondswith “OK, Dialing” and dialsthe number.. If the system does notrecognize the number, itconfirms the numbersfollowed by a tone. If thenumber is correct, say“Yes”. The system respondswith “OK, Dialing” and dialsthe number. If the numberis not correct, say “No”.The system will ask for thenumber to be re-entered.Using the Digit Dial Command1. Press and hold b g fortwo seconds:. For vehicles without anavigation system, thesystem responds with“Ready” followed by a tone.. For vehicles with anavigation system, thesystem responds with atone. After the tone say“Hands Free”. The systemresponds with “Ready”followed by a tone.2. Say “Digit Dial”. The systemresponds with “Digit dial using, please say thefirst digit to dial” followed bya tone.3. Say the digit to be dialed one ata time. Following each digit, thesystem will repeat back the digitit heard followed by a tone.4. Continue entering digits until thenumber to be dialed is complete.After the whole number hasbeen entered, say “Dial”. Thesystem responds with “OK,Dialing” and dials the number.. If an unwanted number isrecognized by the system,say “Clear” at any time toclear the last number.. To hear all of the numbersrecognized by the system,say “Verify” at any time andthe system will repeat them.Using the Call Command1. Press and hold b g fortwo seconds:. For vehicles without anavigation system, thesystem responds with“Ready” followed by a tone.. For vehicles with anavigation system, thesystem responds with atone. After the tone say“Hands Free”. The systemresponds with “Ready”followed by a tone.2. Say “Call”. The system respondswith “Call using .Please say the name tag”followed by a tone. PreviousNext |