6-46 Infotainment SystemThree-Way CallingThree-Way Calling must besupported on the Bluetooth phoneand enabled by the wireless servicecarrier to work.1. While on a call press b g . Thesystem responds with “Ready”followed by a tone.2. Say “Three-way call”. Thesystem responds with“Three-way call, please saydial or call”.3. Use the dial or call command todial the number of the third partyto be called.4. Once the call is connected,press b g to link all the callerstogether.Ending a CallPress c ª to end a call.Muting a CallDuring a call, all sounds from insidethe vehicle can be muted so that theperson on the other end of the callcannot hear them.To Mute a call1. Press b g . The systemresponds with “Ready” followedby a tone.2. Say “Mute Call”. The systemresponds with “Call muted”.To Cancel Mute1. Press b g . The systemresponds with “Ready” followedby a tone.2. After the tone, say “Mute Call”.The system responds with“Resuming call”.Transferring a CallAudio can be transferred betweenthe in-vehicle Bluetooth system andthe cell phone.To Transfer Audio to the CellPhoneDuring a call with the audio in thevehicle:1. Press b g . The systemresponds with “Ready” followedby a tone.2. Say “Transfer Call.” The systemresponds with “Transferring call”and the audio will switch fromthe vehicle to the cell phone.