Driving and Operating 8-37Automatic EPB ReleaseThe EPB will automatically release ifthe vehicle is running, placed intogear and an attempt is made todrive away. Avoid rapid accelerationwhen the EPB is applied, topreserve park brake lining life.The EPB can also be used toprevent roll back for vehicles with amanual transmission taking off on ahill. In a situation where no roll backis desired, an applied EPB will allowboth feet to be used for the clutchand accelerator pedals inpreparation for starting the vehiclemoving in the intended direction.In this situation, perform the normalclutch and/or accelerator actionsrequired to begin moving thevehicle. There is no need to pushthe switch to release the EPB.If you are towing a trailer andparking on a hill, see Trailer Towing(Except CTS-V) on page 8‑58 orTrailer Towing (CTS-V) onpage 8‑59 for more information.Brake Assist(Except CTS-V)This vehicle has a brake assistfeature designed to assist the driverin stopping or decreasing vehiclespeed in emergency drivingconditions. This feature uses thestability system hydraulic brakecontrol module to supplement thepower brake system underconditions where the driver hasquickly and forcefully applied thebrake pedal in an attempt to quicklystop or slow down the vehicle. Thestability system hydraulic brakecontrol module increases brakepressure at each corner of thevehicle until the ABS activates.Minor brake pedal pulsations orpedal movement during this timeis normal and the driver shouldcontinue to apply the brake pedalas the driving situation dictates.The brake assist feature willautomatically disengage whenthe brake pedal is released orbrake pedal pressure is quicklydecreased.Ride Control SystemsTraction ControlSystem (TCS)The vehicle has a Traction ControlSystem (TCS) that limits wheelspin. This is especially useful inslippery road conditions. On arear-wheel-drive vehicle, the systemoperates if it senses that one orboth of the rear wheels are spinningor beginning to lose traction. On anAll-Wheel-Drive (AWD) vehicle, thesystem will operate if it senses thatany of the wheels are spinning orbeginning to lose traction. When thishappens, the system brakes thespinning wheel(s) and/or reducesengine power to limit wheel spin.The system may be heard or feltwhile it is working, but this isnormal.