4-14 Instruments and ControlsAshtraysThe vehicle may have tworemovable ashtrays. One ashtraycan be placed into the instrumentpanel storage compartment and theother into the center console rearcompartment.To empty the ashtrays, hold on tothe edges of the bin and pull straightout. To reinstall, push the tray backinto place.Notice: If papers, pins, or otherflammable items are put in theashtray, hot cigarettes or othersmoking materials could ignitethem and possibly damage thevehicle. Never put flammableitems in the ashtray.Warning Lights,Gages, and IndicatorsWarning lights come on when therecould be a problem with a vehiclefunction. Some warning lights comeon briefly when the engine is startedto indicate they are working.Gages can indicate when therecould be a problem with a vehiclefunction. Often gages and warninglights work together to indicate aproblem with the vehicle.When one of the warning lightscomes on and stays on whiledriving, or when one of the gagesshows there may be a problem,check the section that explains whatto do. Follow this manual's advice.Waiting to do repairs can be costlyand even dangerous.Ofrecido por www.electromanuales.com