Vehicle Care 9-9913. Tighten each wheel nut byturning it clockwise with yourhand until the wheel is heldagainst the hub.14. Lower the vehicle byturning the wheel wrenchcounterclockwise. Lower thejack completely.{ WARNINGWheel nuts that are improperly orincorrectly tightened can causethe wheels to become loose orcome off. The wheel nuts shouldbe tightened with a torque wrenchto the proper torque specificationafter replacing. Follow the torquespecification supplied by theaftermarket manufacturer whenusing accessory locking wheelnuts. See Capacities andSpecifications on page 11‑2 fororiginal equipment wheel nuttorque specifications.Notice: Improperly tightenedwheel nuts can lead to brakepulsation and rotor damage.To avoid expensive brake repairs,evenly tighten the wheel nuts inthe proper sequence and to theproper torque specification.See Capacities and Specificationson page 11‑2 for the wheel nuttorque specification.15. Tighten the wheel nuts firmlyin a crisscross sequence asshown.Storing a Flat or Spare Tireand Tools{ WARNINGStoring a jack, a tire, or otherequipment in the passengercompartment of the vehicle couldcause injury. In a sudden stop orcollision, loose equipment couldstrike someone. Store all these inthe proper place.Storing the Flat Tire with a FlatLoad Floor (Sedan)1. Put back all tools as they werestored in the rear storagecompartment and put thecompartment cover back on.2. Put the flat tire in the tire storagebag, if there is one.3. Place the tire, lying flat, in therear storage compartment.Ofrecido por