8-56 Driving and OperatingFollowing DistanceStay at least twice as far behind thevehicle ahead as you would whendriving the vehicle without a trailer.This can help to avoid situationsthat require heavy braking andsudden turns.PassingMore passing distance is neededwhen towing a trailer. Because therig is longer, it is necessary to gomuch farther beyond the passedvehicle before returning to the lane.Backing UpHold the bottom of the steeringwheel with one hand. Then, to movethe trailer to the left, move that handto the left. To move the trailer to theright, move your hand to the right.Always back up slowly and,if possible, have someoneguide you.Making TurnsNotice: Making very sharp turnswhile trailering could cause thetrailer to come in contact with thevehicle. The vehicle could bedamaged. Avoid making verysharp turns while trailering.When turning with a trailer, makewider turns than normal. Do this sothe trailer won't strike softshoulders, curbs, road signs, treesor other objects. Avoid jerky orsudden maneuvers. Signal well inadvance.Turn Signals When Towing aTrailerThe arrows on the instrument panelflash whenever signaling a turn orlane change. Properly hooked up,the trailer lamps also flash, tellingother drivers the vehicle is turning,changing lanes or stopping.When towing a trailer, the arrows onthe instrument panel flash for turnseven if the bulbs on the trailer areburned out. For this reason you maythink other drivers are seeing thesignal when they are not. It isimportant to check occasionally tobe sure the trailer bulbs are stillworking.Driving On GradesReduce speed and shift to a lowergear before starting down a longor steep downgrade. If thetransmission is not shifted down, thebrakes might have to be used somuch that they would get hot and nolonger work well.Vehicles with an automatictransmission can tow in D (Drive).Shift the transmission to a lowergear if the transmission shifts toooften under heavy loads and/or hillyconditions. For vehicles with amanual transmission, it is better notto use the highest gear.Ofrecido por www.electromanuales.com