Vehicle Care 9-41Fuses and CircuitBreakersThe wiring circuits in the vehicle areprotected from short circuits by acombination of fuses and circuitbreakers. This greatly reduces thechance of damage caused byelectrical problems.To check a fuse, look at thesilver-colored band inside the fuse.If the band is broken or melted,replace the fuse. Be sure to replacea bad fuse with a new one of theidentical size and rating.Fuses of the same amperage canbe temporarily borrowed fromanother fuse location, if a fuse goesout. Replace the fuse as soon asyou can.To identify and check fuses, circuitbreakers, and relays, see EngineCompartment Fuse Block (CTS) onpage 9‑41 or Engine CompartmentFuse Block (CTS-V) on page 9‑45or Engine Compartment Fuse Block(CTS Wagon) on page 9‑48 andRear Compartment Fuse Block(CTS) on page 9‑51 or RearCompartment Fuse Block (CTS-V)on page 9‑53 or RearCompartment Fuse Block (CTSWagon) on page 9‑55.Engine CompartmentFuse Block (CTS)The underhood fuse block is locatedon the passenger side of the enginecompartment.Lift the fuse block cover to accessthe fuses.Notice: Spilling liquid on anyelectrical components on thevehicle may damage it. Alwayskeep the covers on any electricalcomponent.Ofrecido por