2-32 Seats and RestraintsSeat-mounted side impact androof-rail airbags are intended toinflate in moderate to severe sidecrashes. In addition, these roof-railairbags are intended to inflateduring a rollover or in a severefrontal impact. Seat-mounted sideimpact and roof-rail airbags willinflate if the crash severity is abovethe system's designed thresholdlevel. The threshold level can varywith specific vehicle design.Roof-rail airbags are notintended to inflate in rear impacts.A seat-mounted side impact airbagis intended to deploy on the sideof the vehicle that is struck. Bothroof-rail airbags will deploy wheneither side of the vehicle is struck orif the sensing system predicts thatthe vehicle is about to roll over, or ina severe frontal impact.In any particular crash, no onecan say whether an airbag shouldhave inflated simply because of thedamage to a vehicle or becauseof what the repair costs were.For frontal airbags, inflation isdetermined by what the vehicle hits,the angle of the impact, and howquickly the vehicle slows down.For seat-mounted side impact androof-rail airbags, deployment isdetermined by the location andseverity of the side impact.In a rollover event, roof-rail airbagdeployment is determined by thedirection of the roll.What Makes an AirbagInflate?In a deployment event, the sensingsystem sends an electrical signaltriggering a release of gas from theinflator. Gas from the inflator fills theairbag causing the bag to break outof the cover and deploy. The inflator,the airbag, and related hardware areall part of the airbag module.Frontal airbag modules are locatedinside the steering wheel andinstrument panel. For vehicles withseat-mounted side impact airbags,there are airbag modules in the sideof the front seatbacks closest to thedoor. For vehicles with roof-railairbags, there are airbag modules inthe ceiling of the vehicle, near theside windows that have occupantseating positions.Ofrecido por www.electromanuales.com